App Spotlight: Online Forms

How is your business handling online forms?

Many businesses rely on forms for incoming leads. Whether it be a proper Call-to-action (CTA) on article posts, or traditional “Contact Us” page, customers use your website to get in touch.

Meet the Know Platform Forms app.

With most content management systems and website builders, form builders are usually provided to create dynamic forms easily. That’s great – but how do you…

  • keep track of those leads?
  • track current customers filling out a secondary form?
  • manage surveys?
  • automated actions?
  • the list goes on…

Introducing the Forms app on the Know Platform! With Forms, you’ll build your form on our platform, and display it anywhere you want on your website. Now you can track an incoming lead from initial contact to order survey. Have more information for the customer to fill out mid-order? No problem! We’ll use a custom link to track them, and can notify their account manager when it’s submitted.

The best part? Forms is free with every Know Platform subscription.

This is just one way the Know Platform helps businesses. Check out a full list of features here.

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