Real-time attendance with mobile check-in

In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient time management drives success. The Know Platform offers advanced employee attendance features designed to streamline workforce management. Employees clock in and out using their mobile devices, making it easier than ever to track work hours accurately. With real-time employee attendance with mobile check-in, businesses ensure precise time tracking, reduce errors, and improve overall productivity. …

On-device scanning – App Spotlight

In today’s fast-paced business environment, maintaining accurate asset and inventory tracking is crucial. However, leveraging a business management platform with on-device scanning capabilities can revolutionize resource management. This technology allows any device’s browser to use its built-in scanner to retrieve records instantly. Consequently, there’s no need for costly specialized hardware. Employees can quickly locate assets and track inventory using smartphones …

App Spotlight: Online Forms

How is your business handling online forms? Many businesses rely on forms for incoming leads. Whether it be a proper Call-to-action (CTA) on article posts, or traditional “Contact Us” page, customers use your website to get in touch. Meet the Know Platform Forms app. With most content management systems and website builders, form builders are usually provided to create dynamic …

App Spotlight: Phone System

Every business makes and receives phone calls. But, have you ever thought about how you can leverage calls to your advantage?